Finding the career information you need when you need it is very important during your career journey. A great way to have sound career advice at your fingertips is through podcasts. Due to the variety of podcasts offered, you can …
All current Baptist team members have access to the FOCUS 2 Explore Career Assessment provided by the Center for Career Development. FOCUS 2 Explore provides assessments to discover majors, explore career paths, and learn about your strengths and values. FOCUS …
If your organization is able to support an internship program, then you already know how invaluable these temporary team members are to our sector. Successful interns can add capacity to your staff, assist with wish-list items you haven’t found the …
What soft skills (also known as social skills and power skills) can give you the competitive edge as you plan for your next position at Baptist? Business leaders agree there are five top skills employers seek: Communication, Critical Thinking, Teamwork, …
What is resilience? Psychologically, resilience is your ability to adapt effectively to stress, difficulties, and life’s inevitable challenges. Renita Kalhorn, an Executive Coach, offered advice for developing this kind of toughness in response to workplace challenges in her recent webinar, …
Even in the midst of a job search, it’s important to keep in mind how you’re going to advance your career once you land your new job.
While it might seem premature to contemplate your next steps when you’ve just …
In today’s work place, it is imperative to focus on continuous learning and personal growth. We encourage all Baptist team members, regardless of position, to invest your time and effort into expanding your knowledge, acquiring new skills, and fostering professional …
Jennifer Herrity
Updated September 30, 2022 Transcript
Video: Top Leadership Styles – Definitions & Examples
Jenn, an Indeed Career Coach, explains the top leadership styles in management and how to identify the one that’s right for you and your …
You’ve received a call from an application for your dream job, and they want to schedule an interview. Now what? Preparing for an interview can be daunting. As important as it may be to make sure that you do everything …
I constantly make hiring decisions. One of the critical questions I ask as the closure of the interview is – “What are your career goals?”
The answer to this question reveals a lot about a candidate. For example, one time …