Take advantage of learning and professional development opportunities with Skillsoft Percipio

As a Baptist team member, you have access to courses, videos, books, audiobooks, practice labs, and assessments purpose-built in Skillsoft Percipio to help you succeed in today’s ever-changing digital world. You can choose to learn exactly what you want in ways that make sense for you, your schedule, and your style.

  • Discover compelling content from subject-matter experts in your industry.
  • Choose from a variety of formats.
  • Fit professional development into your life with micro-learning videos and a convenient learning app.
  • Master new tech and dev skills with an unparalleled content collection including boot camps and practice labs.
  • Help drive digital transformation across your entire organization.

Baptist Team Members are currently learning and focusing on professional development with Skillsoft Percipio:

Skillsoft Percipio offers a well-delivered platform of professional development courses at an excellent pace to work well with team member time“. – Dianne Titus, Practice Manager, BMG

With each generation of new workers, new challenges present,  as each generation is looking for something different than the last. And as we have seen in the last couple of years, for example, remote work is the new thing, the new work/life balance.  Having these courses helped to refresh/reset leadership mindset to better adapt to the changing work environment and thought process of the new worker. You can never stop learning“. – Yvette Johnson, Manager-Registration, MG CBO Registration

Contact the Center for Career Development to request access to Skillsoft Percipio at cfcd@bmhcc.org or 901-227-3844. We can assist with helping you find topics and subjects to match your professional and career development goals.

By Michele Schlinsog
Michele Schlinsog Manager and Career Advisor